A road trip packing list is a must to avoid any major roadblocks to arriving at your destination. A road trip can pose many challenges so let’s see how a packing list could help. We have taken road trips with car issues, bathroom issues, emergency room stays, special diets, overnight driving, hotel stays, you name it we have done it on our road trips. Our last road trip to the Florida Keys was a culmination of many road trips. Our list was perfect and everything went smoothly.
Road Trip Planning
There are some items that you will need on your road trip that are part of the planning of the road trip. As you are planning put these items aside for your trip.
- Print out a few maps or purchase an atlas. If you are without cell service, or your GPS isn’t working right, a map can literally save your life! Try a AAA road map or trip planner
- Insurance cards and any special medical records.
- Bring a list of phone numbers of friends and family that are on your road trip journey. Try not to rely exclusively on your cell phone as we have found that it doesn’t always work.
- Bring the phone number/address of hotels you are staying at on the road trip. As well as any confirmation numbers.
- Have a special place for tickets to attractions, or confirmation numbers. If your tickets are online, take a picture (yes, again if cell service isn’t working.)

Packing List for Meals
This is a list of items we need for eating meals in the car. We have developed this list over many years. Your eating needs may be different but this is a great start. Ready? Paper plates, napkins, paper towel, bowls, plastic knives, spoons, forks, silverware knives, spoons, forks, sharp knife, serving spoon, plastic containers with tight lids, plastic sealing bags, garbage bags, wet wipes, cutting boards, a small bottle of dishwashing liquid, sippy cups, regular cups, straws, coffee cups. We put all of this in a plastic tub which doubles as a wash-up station if needed.
Road Trip Packing List for Food
The number one road trip food is hand-held snacks. Our kids can live on hand-held snacks in the car for days. Ok, maybe not days but you get the idea. Our favorite hand-held snacks for road trips are: cheese sticks, apples, pears, grapes, carrots, green pepper sticks, mini oranges (peeled), pepperoni, rolled lunch meat, cheese slices, granola bars, cookies, muffins, cereal, small cold pizza pieces, mini cheese sandwiches, various small packaged snacks (we use these with reserve as they usually have a lot of salt or sugar.) As my kids get older they are taking more responsibility for making a grocery list for road trip food and packaging the food for the trip. There are some foods we reserve for ONLY road trips, these are special treats that we don’t normally have at home and create excitement. Our special foods are Pop-tarts, Pringles, Oreos, and licorice. Your family will have your own ideas on these special foods.

Packing List for Drinks
We have tried multiple ways to pack drinks and have finally come up with what works for us. A large cooler is packed in the back of the vehicle. In the cooler are ice and all our favorite drinks. Water tops the list for all of us so we fill two gallon jugs with water from home then refill where ever we go to, but we like a few others like milk, Gatorade, soda, juice and even a chocolate milk or two. Each of us has our own lunch box sized cooler by our feet. In our personal cooler, we pack four drinks each as well as our water bottles. This way no one has to ask to “Grab me a water from the cooler!” I carry a larger cooler for my husband and me in the front seat. Usually, we are good with four drinks each, then it’s time for a bathroom break and reload the coolers.

Road Trip Packing List for Essentials
Everything else is a lesser priority than food and drink. We have found that if we ace the food and drink packing the trip goes smooth. Of course, there are other items we need for our trip. The other road trip essentials to include on your packing list: Movies, books, ear-buds, coloring books, puzzles, special toys, crafts, stuffed animals, blankies, sweatshirts, notebook, crayons, colored pencils, clothing (packed by rolling each day together), medications, hair care, make-up, contact care, chargers, beach supplies, sunscreen, hats, first-aid kit, laundry soap (in the case you have to stop at a laundromat because someone gets sick all over…..everything, yup it’s happened), portable speaker, beach items, hiking items, small stroller, day pack, dog items.
The road trip packing list will become more specific the more often you go on road trips. Keep a notebook to make a list as you are driving. Add those items to your printed out list when you get home. You will have a comprehensive list very specialized for your family in no time.
To read more about our longest road trip ever click on the links below.
12 Things to do in Bahia Honda State Park
12 Reasons to visit Florida Keys Aquarium Encounters
Parasailing in Marathon, Florida
Sombrero Beach and Lorelei Restaurant and Cabana Bar
The Best Things to do in Key West on a Family Vacation
Winter Break in Marathon Key, Hotel Tour and Sombrero Beach
15 Things to do in Marathon, Florida