“We” are a family of five. Two parents, two kids and a four-legged fuzzy pup (sometimes he camps with us, sometimes not.) Both Marty and I have camped our entire lives and we started camping as soon as we had kids. We really have never stopped. So, why do we camp? Why do we keep doing this thing? Well here are 10 reasons why.
This literally is the number one reason we camp. Our lives are so busy and even when we are relaxing at home, there are always chores to get done, shopping to do or people that stop by. Camping gives us an opportunity to shut everything off or down, at least, and listen to our own thoughts. We have deeper discussions about things going on in the kid’s lives, they laugh more and even the two of us can talk about insignificant topics that we just never get around to during our busy days. Camping provides us with that deep breath that will sustain us through our busy days at home. When we went to Washington Island Campground we spent much of our time relaxing!

No matter the size of your home, it is designed to give people their own space. We have bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens and sometimes game rooms, family rooms, and patios. Home is a place we can get away from each other, which is sometimes needed wink. Camping puts us all face-to-face. We need to problem-solve more to survive the day together. When the boys argue, I am near and I can hear how they are building solutions together. Our nightly campfire gives us a family meeting type atmosphere where we can just talk and laugh together.

Home is a place of comfort and routines. Camping gives us that pushes us to try new things that we may not normally try. When we camp, prior to our trip, we research new things to do together. Any hikes that are new to us usually make our list of things to do. Recently we went to Washington Island. While we were there we climbed the Mountain Look-Out. It was amazing and even though it was a difficult climb we were super happy we did the climb. I also remember a time we were at a state park and Cooper was about eight-years-old, he kayaked across a large very deep lake, by himself. Momma was on the shore scared out of her mind, but he was just attacking the challenge head-on. These risks give us all confidence and tells my kids they can handle anything.

Fresh Air
Is there any air that is truly fresh? Well, we live in an urban area and although we think our air is rather fresh when we go camping we breath easier. By fresh air I also mean being out in nature, next to trees, dipping our toes in the water, running through fields, zip-lining through a canopy, or any other outside activity. At home, we move from home to school or work to the grocery store sometimes to the dog park or city park and then back home again. Most of our days are spent inside. During the winter we are even more secluded inside our home. When summer hits, camping puts us out into nature for a week at a time. This is so essential to our mental health and physical health.

Do I even need to explain campfires? Well, I will anyway. First, we need to collect the wood for a fire (YES! We buy campfire wood but we collect our kindling.) Collecting wood is great body movement for all of us and our boys love to see who can bring back the most wood from the hunt. Second, building and lighting the fire. The boys are both scouts and like to try different methods of building and lighting a fire. This is a great problem-solving practice for all of us! Third, Ahhhh, sitting around a campfire is just the most relaxing and amazing feeling there is, ok maybe next to floating in a beautiful pool. S’mores, campfire songs, campfire games, late-night desserts and snacks on the fire are all our favorite things to do around the fire.

Camping Food
We all love to cook but we rarely make time for it when we are at home. While camping it is one of our top priorities. I start meal planning a week or so out. I search Pinterest, Blackstone website and other fun places to find recipes that are fun, different and easy. We recently purchased a Blackstone griddle that my husband loves. This has made a big difference in fast cooking for a large group of people. We love the kit to have all the accessories we need. We still cook over the campfire and sometimes use a charcoal grill.

Travel while Camping
Camping is our mode of transportation and lodging for when we travel. It is our home on wheels, or maybe your home in a tent. Whatever mode of camping you take, it makes travel easy. Camping in unique places like Washington Island, Wisconsin allows us to travel to a new place and also have all the experiences of camping. Where do you want to go? Camp, it makes your travel experience deeper than staying at a hotel.

Camping is a great way to spend time with your friends and family. We have a few annual camping trips with friends and family that our kids look forward to so much each year. When we camp with friends each family has their own space to retreat to, yet we also have a place to be together, share a meal and campfire. Anyone can throw a tent and sleeping bag into the car so all your friends can go! Pick a new place each year, or choose the same place each year. Your group will have to decide how they want to camp together.

Camping is Affordable
I don’t think there is any other way to travel that is more affordable than camping, except maybe staying with friends. Campgrounds can be 50%-75% less than a hotel. Maybe there is a place your family really wants to travel to, but you just don’t know how you could afford the trip. Consider camping for your family. Or maybe you want to save that money for another trip or pricy experiences while you are traveling. Our friends always say that we travel so much, but in reality, we probably spend less on travel than our friends because we camp.
Turn off the phones and other social/work funnels. I find that while I am camping I can create a uber focus that does not include my cell phone. Maybe I want to just focus on being present for my kids and husband, I can do that better while I am camping. Or maybe I have some strategizing I need to do for work, I can go on a hike and just focus on that topic. Camping helps me clear my mind and stay focused. Your focus might also flow the opposite way. Focus on everything other than work, your kids or your husband. Look into the sky and realize how very small you are in the universe. Going on a camping trip can help you see the larger world outside and appreciate the importance of keeping the beautiful outdoors….well….beautiful.
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